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An Ideal Way to Purchase Your New Home without Strict Banking Regulations

You've searched high and low around town looking for thatspecial home for you and your family. Everyone agrees that"this is the one"! Your down payment for the home is largeenough, but you know your credit is terrible, or worse,practically non-existent.

It is a given that banks tend to lendmoney to people who a) have enough cash that they don'tneed a loan; b) possess good to very good credit.

Another nightmare with having bad credit is the closing costs.On conventional loans designed for individuals with creditproblems, closing costs can be considerably higher. Thehigher interest rate will also cause the monthly payment toincrease.

In addition, the percentage of the down payment neededtowards the real estate cost will also increase.The required down payment for credit-impaired applicantscan easily be 10% to over 20% in some cases.

Based on a $100,000 home, this could easily equal $10,000to $20,000 in down payment towards the real estate cost-not including closing costs.

Some of you reading this might be thinking aloud, "Yeah,that's just how the system is, right"? Not much can be doneabout my bad credit.

Although the "system" appears to be working against you,you can still get the dream home you desire.

Fortunately, there are little, but very effective techniquesbeing used by people to establish AAA credit, wipe out debts,and proceed to get the house they want. All in the same timeperiod.

A good idea would be to start with your credit. If you havenon-existent credit, you can apply for (and receive) credit cardsthat will build up your credit score. These credit card companiesreport to the major credit bureaus that you've been paying yourcredit card bills each month.

During this time, you can look for funding programs that wouldbe willing to listen to your situation. They want to help you obtainthe funding to purchase that new home you want.

Such funding programs like to work with the seller exclusively,(For Sale By Owner). No bank red tape or real estate agentsto turn you down for financing. It's just you, the funders, andthe seller.

There are programs out there that can help you, but you mustbe very careful when choosing one for you and your family.Look for programs that are legal in all 50 states, have qualifiedprofessionals in their field, and will offer you one-on-oneconsultations.

In conclusion, you and your family can still receive the AmericanDream. Just taking these steps outlined above can get you therequicker than you ever thought possible.

David M. Rolle' is a Funding Program Franchise Owner.I am on a personal mission to help provide financingfor those who can't obtain it through the banking system.If you're interested in receiving information on funding,and to claim your free special reports, visit this site now.

This article is copyright (c) 2005 by David M. Rolle' and isavailable for reprint in your ezine, website or ebook at http://www.inyourhometoday.comYou MUST agree not to make any changesto the article and the RESOURCE BOX MUST be included.


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