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Selling Your Own Home - Pet Issues

If you are selling you own home, you need to consider the effect of pets. People who are working with a real estate broker are sure to get coached about the potential negative effect of pets. If you aren't working with a broker, this article discusses the pet issue.

When You Show Your Home

If you are selling you own home, you must realize a lovable pet might cause the following problems:

1. The potential buyer may be so nervous about dogs that she doesn't picture herself living in the home,

2. The potential buyer doesn't like pets and thus doesn't see her furniture in the home in her mind's eye,

3. She doesn't picture the route she'd drive to and from work, and doesn't imagine where she'd stop for errands or fun along the way home.

In short, the presence of pets makes it difficult for the potential buyer to see the house as their own. Is a potential buyer in that frame of mind likely to buy that home? No.

Defense Against Pet Damage

If you have pets and you're selling your home as a FSBO, take heed. Board your pet or pets while your property is on the market. You can visit it, and take it for walks and to the park, but don't take it home. Have carpets shampooed. If they're really holding odors, you might even replace all or some of the carpet. Get any damage the pet has done repaired. Store or get rid of furniture you do not want to repair. Reseed the lawn and repair any damage to plantings. You'll find this is money and labor well spent.

Pets are an integral part of many people's lives and rightly so. While you may love your pet, keep in mind potential buyers may not.

Raynor James is with - providing homes for sale by owner, "FSBO", properties. Are you thinking, "Should I sell my home?" Visit to sell your home sale for free for one month.


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